Holistic (+ some more fancy adjectives)

We couldn’t resist the urge to put an image of the puzzles on our webpage. It just feels so right, doesn’t it? As it does every time we see it being used for just about any company or brand in the world, bringing you just about any kind of message. And it kinda delivers on that promise, so it really is very appropriate to use it here, too. Because that’s what we do; bring just about any kind of message to the world (aka. marketing communications). You know, “the whole picture”, “360° communications”, “integrated communications concept” etc… A piece of puzzle. Solved.
But we are just trying to point out that it takes much much more for good communications.


brand development

branding / naming, designing, content

corporate identities

product & business ideas

business consulting

product development

design / graphic, industrial, fantastic

advertising / strategies, ideas, realization

writing / creative, deep, smart

internet / webpage concepts, design, production

video / home to web, live and alive

radio / scripts, ads, production

print / management, organization, delivery

events / from concpet to thank you notes

social media / facebook, twitter, linkedin, (______)

online advertising / google adwords, facebook, youtube (etc.)

direct marketing

customer loyalty programs

giveaways and gifts and winning games

sponsorship ideas

POS / boxes and out-of-the-boxes

mobile applications / from idea to installation


ideas / and more ideas

And what can we do for you?